Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers day ride to hills

 Great day for a ride.  We started at the Pour House on 42nd and went out Japser down to some crazy one lane roads in the woods that led to Oakridge at one point.  Too much snow so we turned around and went into glide for lunch.  Afterwards we headed back out to cottage grove, but ran into more snow on the back side of the Bohemian mines and had to turn around again and go a new way.  Lots of fun, there was a 20 mile detour on a squirley gravel road leading to more snow.  The drop off on the side must have been over a thousand feet.  50MPH in the gravel seemed crazy to me, but the guys on the other bikes didnt even have knobby tires.  If they could do it, so could I.  I was glad to turn around.
Here are the bikes. Two KLRS, a BMW, a VStrom, and something else....Dont remember...

View from one of the peaks.
Apparently there was cat poo on this bridge.  One of the other guys found it.  It was a long topic of discussion at lunch about what kind it was.
This is the start of the gravel.  Lots of fun.
 First road that was closed due to snow.  Going to steamboat Falls.

 The falls is actually a camp ground.  Way out in no-where.  Last pic is of the first snow closed road.  We didnt stop long enough to take a pic at Bohemia, but the snow was even deeper.

I think I have the GPS tracks.  I will upload the track if I can figure out how so you guys can see where we went.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to more post on the long journey with Ashley !!


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